On Easter Monday, all the members of the Low Regole would meet in assembly to appoint the shepherd.
The assembly would take place outdoors, on the space adjacent t">


The Shepherd

On Easter Monday, all the members of the Low Regole would meet in assembly to appoint the shepherd.
The assembly would take place outdoors, on the space adjacent to the Parish Church.
The Marigo would give a broad bean to each Regoliere and all those who wished to become shepherd would stand in a row, one next to the other with the hat in their hands . The Regolieri walked before them and put the hand with the broad bean in each hat, but left it only in the hat of the favoured person. The one with the highest number of beans in his hat was appointed shepherd.
The shepherd received a daily wage and, at his choice, a certain amount of flour or bread, paštùra. On the same day, also the second shepherd, the shepherd leading the herd, and the young helper, namely: pàštro, diéi e vìda, were appointed.

The shepherds of the Anbrizola and Larieto Regole were appointed, instead, by the Marigo and his councillors in the stua, main lounge, of the ancient Town Hall.